Issue Position: Foreclosures

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Nearly 50% of Arizona mortgages are under water. Only the situation in Nevada (58%) is worse among the 50 states. Arizona is awash in foreclosures, behind only Nevada and California. While the rate is down from historic highs, thousands of Arizonans receive some form of foreclosure notice every month. Prospects are for a prolonged period of housing distress in our state. Yet the Arizona Legislature twiddles its thumbs in the face of this ongoing crisis.

Well, not all legislators. Members of the Democratic minority have repeatedly proposed legislation to protect distressed homeowners from predatory practices. Almost without exception, the Republican majority has bottled these bills up in committee, without even holding hearings on them. Yet no Republican alternatives are put forth.

I'm tired of special protection for banks and mortgage companies while homeowners are left to fend for themselves. Why no legislative hearings on one of the most critical issues facing the state?

If elected, I'll focus on issues of importance to Arizona residents--such as their single most important investment--rather than concentrating on non-issues that allow legislators to waste times playing political games.
